Emily Windsnap and the Sirens Secret by Liz Kessler
Stars I'll give 3.1
Description is from Amazon
Living on a magical island should be perfect - but Emily and her family and friends jump at the chance to go home to Brightport and carry out Neptune's orders to bring humans and merfolk together. There, thrown out of mermaid school and scorned by her old enemy Mandy Rushton, she goes in search of the lost sirens, banished by Neptune to a secret underground cavern. It's only when she uncovers their story that she can begin to reconcile her two worlds. But can she do it in time to save herself and her family from the wrath of Neptune?
I absoulutly hated this book although it had its sweet parts, but you could totally see it coming. Emily and whats-his-face getting together? Of course. I'll admit I am older than the reading level for this book, but I needed to finish this series. And another thing this book is only available in the UK. It took 5 weeks to get here with the cover bent. I also didn't like how they brought the enviorment together with this book. The enviorment is important, but I don't like reading about it in books it's just annoying to me. The ending was completely corney also. I won't give it away though. Enough about the negatives. This was also sweet and gave you the satisfied ending that everything was okay and everyone happy. I also love the cover of the book. Actually I like all the covers with the blue and purple watercolors!
I read this series a while ago and thought it was "UGH!!!" I mean, it lacks everything I look for in a good book!
ReplyDeleteI like your review, short and simple! :)